“The Rothschild Patent Model Collection lets us see how different our lives would be without the spirit of invention. Seeing what other inventors have done is what motivates us to think outside of the box and to look at life differently. Do we want to watch life go by or be a part of it?”
—Steve Wozniak, Co-Founder of Apple Computer
“A national treasury of inspiration for tinkers, model-makers, inventors, hobbyists, innovators, and designers. Both the ingenious mechanisms animating each of these inventions as well as their delightful small-scale model embody a genius that is celebrated by this unique book.”
—Kevin Kelly, Co-Founder of Wired Magazine, Past Editor & Publisher of Whole Earth Review, Editor & Publisher of Cool Tools Website
“The Rothschild Patent Model Collection reminds us that our nation’s economic growth is tied to our ability to turn promising ideas into job-supporting innovations. This book illustrates how ideas hatched going back as far as 200 years ago become innovations that were often protected by patents that helped advance our economy. Our culture’s embrace of ingenuity and creativity encourages the inventors of our country to continue pursuing their ideas, and those patents are absolutely the center of our global leadership in business.”
—Chris Coons, United States Senator, (D-Delaware)
“Inventing a Better Mousetrap is an artfully humanized collection of great inventors and their beautiful creations that elegantly achieves that goal. If we want the next 200 years of American growth and innovation to be as exciting as the last two centuries, this book should be required reading.”
—Dean Kamen, President of DEKA Research and Development Corp., Founder of FIRST: For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology, National Inventors Hall of Fame Inductee
“Alan and Ann have preserved the physical history of the first two centuries of Yankee ingenuity, and for this, as a nation, may we be truly grateful. Now, they have brought all of these wonderful models to us in their book, so how ’bout it, Americans–let’s put down those electronic tablets and start THINKING again.”
—Sandy Lerner, Pioneer of the Internet, Ayrshire Farm