Alan W. Rothschild

© 2014 James Scherzi
Received a B.S. degree in Pharmacy in 1965 from the Albany College of Pharmacy.
Life long interest in antiques and collecting began upon graduation from High School in 1959 when a 1930 Model A Ford Sport Coupe was purchased. This car was kept for over 50 years.
While in Pharmacy School at the Albany College of Pharmacy began collecting Apothecary artifacts, patent medicines and various other related items with the objective of opening an authentic Apothecary Shop Museum in Syracuse, New York in one of the families’ three pharmacies that were started by father in 1926. The Apothecary Shop was opened to the public 25 years and is now permanently housed in the Museum of Science and Technology in downtown Syracuse, New York.
Upon graduation with a B.S. degree in Pharmacy, he worked in his family pharmacies for about 2 years as a registered pharmacist.
He found the profession to be very uncreative and has described it as counting pills from a big bottle into a little one.
Went on to create a Medical Equipment and Supply Company, a Home Healthcare Center, and a company to build and manage medical buildings.
He has 2 U.S. patents for timing devices.
Resides in Cazenovia, New York, a small town in Upstate New York with his wife, Ann and their 2 golden doodle dogs. Has one son and 2 grandchildren.
Ann Rothschild

© 2014 James Scherzi
Ann Rothschild, co-author of “Inventing a Better Mousetrap,” has a B.S. degree in English and a Master’s degree in Instructional Technology with a concentration in Gerontology. She was the Director of Senior Citizen Programs for the City of Syracuse, New York, has run her family business, the Syracuse Glove Factory and assisted her husband, Alan with research on the patent models.
Prolific reader and life long learner, Ann is grateful for the journey the patent models have taken the Rothschilds on. One they never could have imagined.